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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10 things men must not do

Women are the most unpredictable creatures that god happen to create. This is a universal fact and accepted by all. Their impulsive nature is one big reason why men are attracted to them and then get utterly confused. Men fail to understand them and do things when women least expect it.

I have heard it from many of my male friends that it is highly impossible to know what is going on in a woman’s mind. However, the fact is we ourselves don’t know what we want almost all the times. And this helps us make things more complex and complicated. Studies have proved this figures among men’s understanding on a women.

• 60% of men agree they can never understand a woman.
• 35% of men say they do understand them but are not confident if they understand them correctly
• 5% says they completely understand them. However this 5% of the numbers are the ones who had spent close to 25-30 years with their woman.

Here are the 10 things you must not do to upset your girl:
1. Never say anything inappropriate about her loved ones be it a brother, sister, mother, father or best friend. Women are very sensitive about their relations and can’t accept any unreasonable comments even though it is true.
2. Never ask her again and again why she is upset when you know you are the reason behind it. By doing this you are upsetting her more. Just leave her alone and she will open up herself.
3. Never say, “I love you” when you don’t mean it. Women are good at sensing, one glance at you and they can find out what you are thinking. Their edge on this sharpens with every passing year.
4. Never say “Good, you are not thinking about it. It is still not the time” when you are dead sure this is what she is thinking. You are making her believe that you do not care much about what she wants.
5. While you are with her, never lie to your parents in front of her when they ask where you are. When a woman truly falls in love she will never hide it from any one and expects the same from you.
6. Never ignore or cut her off while she is talking something which according to her is very important. Her important matter might be a wee thing for you but do not dare to ignore her.
7. Never appreciate other females when she is around. She might show her least bothered attitude but that is only to dig things out of you.
8. Never comment on a gift that she bought for you aiming for a surprise. At the same time do not go out of your way to compliment her shopping skills.
9. Never miss on small but important things like cards, gifts, flowers, teddies and chocolates. Be there an occasion or no occasion.
10. Never be late when she has planned an idea for a date

All the best..!!

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