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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gender Biasing

While submitting VOW survey in the end I was asked reason of my dissatisfaction with my organization. I had mentioned Gender Biasing with a hope that things might change. However, I forgot some plea always falls on deaf ears.

My aggravation increases every time I see Group Announcements on Women of XXXXX (org name is masked) and how good XXXXX is treating it’s female audience. May be good things are happening to the Women in XXXXX, however at certain level only.

I am with this team and unit from past year and half now and it is one of the most disappointing experience I ever had. I believe we the women are not inferior to men. I come from a background where my parents and teachers always told that women are no where less than men.

But after coming here I am forced to change my perception and belief. Not at one occasion but at many I have been told that men are superiors. Indira Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi or Indra Noori any one would have done better if they would have been a MAN. When I argue back I see it’s not one person but whole bunch of gentlemen ready to tell me where all females fall back.

I have seen my manager chucking out females because they were either not performing good or were not good at communication or were introvert. Then I see few gentlemen around me from past many years, who have worse qualities then the above ones, but still not only manager but the management find them productive.

• They make you cry in front of the whole team but they are valuable resources.
• They shout at you even in front of your manager but they are outstanding performers.
• You see them being partial when it comes to giving opportunity to girls but they are best decision makers.
• They threat you by saying they will screw your appraisal if you try and raise your voice. You fall to silence.
• You work like a donkey make sure deliverables are made on time and then you see them taking away your glory. When you raise your voice they say, sorry, next time we will see what to do.

Question is, what initiative XXXXX would confirm to take to forbid such biasing? Or is that some automated emails comes with some stories saying how good Wipro is treating its female fraternity.