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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Awful killing of a Monster

He came in from the front door, looked at me and shamelessly entered my house without my permission.

First, he went to my computer then leisurely took a walk in my living room and again looked at me. It seemed as if he was waiting for my reaction. I was scared to death and to react. Also not to forget, I knew the consequences of my reaction, if I had one. I hated every site of his but was helpless and did nothing.

He stared at me for a while more and on getting no response, started exploring my house. After venturing the drawing room he tried getting in to kitchen. For a moment I thought of locking him in the kitchen but before my thought could become a reality he came back in to the living room.

He went on to my computer again and looked at the ceiling as if trying to find something up there. Then stepped back and again looked at the ceiling. But this time I was unable to understand what he was thinking or just studying every corner of my house. And just then it struck me, he wanted to get acquainted with my house, but that was something I would never let happen.

On the contrary, I did not have the guts to look at him and get him out, though it was my house. By now, I looked like a newly wedded girl sitting in a corner, scared,confused and freaked out and he was the boy of the house. It looked like he enjoyed every moment I passed in fear.

I called my father to tell him about his arrival. Daddy was in meeting and asked to me to clam down and before I could add anything more he disconnected the call.

I did not know he had such a power to make to feel so weak and vulnerable. The only thing I could think of was to ignore him and occupy my mind with something else so I switched on the TV. On doing that he came closer as if the program interested him and started leaping over the sofa. I was scared to death but decided to stay clam and ignore him.

After a while, on getting no reaction, he decided to see the veranda so he walked out of the house. I knew this was the only opportunity to close the door and never let him in ever. Somehow, I gathered the power and got on my feet to close the door. Each step of mine was still to make sure he does not know what I was doing, I closed the door halfway thru and before I could completely shut it, he jumped right in-front of me. I screamed and ran back to where I was sitting. I did scare him with my loud yell but he was back to normal in no time.

I again concentrated on TV to deceive him and he was. He started the same thing again, getting on to my computer, analyzing the ceiling, leaping over the sofa.

My last hope was bro, who was upstairs. After 30 mins, I heard some steps approaching towards the front door. I prayed to god for letting that person be my bro. He was the only one to rescue me from this monster and my prayers were heard. It was Richi, my bro.

I quickly demonstrated about his arrival and my trauma since then. Richi, quickly went into the store room, got a bamboo stick for himself, about 4 feet tall and handed over a groom stick to me.

"Dont worry, I’m here now we will kill him if he decides to stay here" bro assured me. His words eased me and I gained the confidence to either kill this monster or get him out of my house.

"Stay where you and if you see him running behind the TV or behind the couch just shoo with your groom stick, OK?" I agreed and nodded.

Bro moved the computer table made noises to scare him. Rather, he tried conveying it to him that his sister isn't alone anymore. It worked, in no time he jumped out and went behind the sofa where he was leaping and having fun a while ago.

"Be careful, I am sure now he will jump behind the TV and then it would be difficult for us to get him out." I agreed. Bro came towards the sofa but he wasn't there, instead he went behind the TV and now I was scared. I knew the next thing he will do is either jump on the couch where I was sitting or quickly by pass the couch and enter kitchen. However, bro seem to have handled such assholes before so he closed the kitchen door and the front door first and winked at me. "Its just the three of us in this rooms now, its do or die, do u understand. Do not be scared, we will kill him……"

And he jumped on me, scaring the shit out of me. I hopped and got on to the high chair which was in the middle of the room.

Bro attacked, his first hit was on his butts, however, no damage. Soft couch saved him. And on seeing the brutal attack he got prepared to fight back.

He jumped on the floor and ran towards me but I shooed him away with my groom stick. I did not realize, I was standing on the chair and screaming “You are dead”. My loud voice did scare him and forced him to move towards the open space between the front door and kitchen door, both closed.

That was the ill fated decision he took and while running to escape he did not see the blow following him and hitting him on this head. Bang..!!

His dieing eyes looked at me and bro gave another jolt. It was over and the monster died. Bro picked him up by his tail, he was black in color and hardly 3 cms long, and threw him out. I am sure it was a HE because of the way he looked at me and scared me.

He surely would have become a feast for someone out there....

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious.. rats arent that scary and monster is certainly not a right word for it.
